Day 365- The Day Out of Time

4 months ago

Day 365 was never part of the original creation but happened due to sin when the waters of the deep prepared to rise and the earth tilted in the days of Enoch and Noah.

Enoch 65:1 And in those days, Noah SAW the EARTH HAD TILTED and that its destruction was near.

Thus Eloah never assigned a place for it in the calculation of the year and yet taught Enoch how to include it in the circuit of days so that the Creation Sabbath would never be lost.

Job laments this day created by sin as the day of his birth.
Job 3:6 As for that night, let darkness seize it! Let it not be joined to the days of the year. Let it not come into the number of the months.

We are keepers of the mo’edim of our CREATOR- which are eternally fixed dates, dependent on the cyclic movements of the sun and observed in heaven and on earth.

The Priestly Solar Calendar is recorded in Scripture and the Dead Sea scrolls-
For it is the unchangeable calendar of heavenly origin, based on the fixed eternal cyclic pattern of the sun. Representing an immutable relationship between the Sabbaths and ordained festivals in heaven and on earth which are agriculturally based.

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