Harvard Bioweapons Expert: COVID-19 Was an Engineered Catastrophe - Prof. Francis Boyle

3 months ago

Professor Francis A. Boyle is a human rights lawyer, a professor of international law, and a bioweapons expert. He authored of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989.

Professor Francis holds three degrees from Harvard: a Juris Doctor (JD), magna cum laude and both an MSc and PhD in Political Science. He brings his profound expertise to discuss the origins and implications of COVID-19. We explore why Professor Boyle identified COVID-19 as a bioweapon in January 2020, long before mainstream acknowledgment.

Expect to discover the intricate connections between military, pharmaceutical, and governmental organisations, the role of biosafety labs worldwide, and the concerning implications of WHO's pandemic treaty proposals. Professor Boyle shares his experience facing widespread criticism and media attacks after his early warnings, offering a sobering perspective on global health governance and population control agendas.

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To engage with Eddie on personal or corporate financial matters, send him an email at eddie@eddiehobbs.com. Eddie Hobbs heads up Hobbs Financial Practice Ltd, a private client advisory firm that specialises in strategic positioning of personal wealth. Hobbs Financial Practice Limited is Regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

Tags: Francis A Boyle, Eddie Hobbs, biological warfare, Covid-19, Pentagon, mRNA technology, Frankenshots, FDA, January 2020, WHO, misinformation, pandemic treaty, global technocracy, totalitarian state, Gulf War sickness, remdesivir, BSL-3, BSL-4 labs, Wuhan, bioweapon, Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act, Bill Gates, population reduction, Irish potato famine, Robert Kennedy, media silencing, Nuremberg code

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