Signature vs Autograph! legal is not law!

2 months ago

Signature vs Autograph! Legal is not law.

Investigate the Cestui Que Vie act 1666, Legal fraud, 3 fold deception.

All roads lead to Rome, all codes lead to mystery Babylon Milton Keynes, all corruption leads to great fires of London & the Cestui Que Vie trust from the Cestui Que Vie act 1666.

Reclaime your state as a living (wo)man under Divine Law. Restoring “man” & “Divine Law ”, The Torah Law.

#NWO #WHO #WEF #AGENDA21 #AGENDA2030, #Birth Certificate, #NAMEinCAPITALS, #lowercase name #legal fraud #legal entrapment, #CVQ #The Cestui Que Vie act #Divine law #The Torah #Freemasonry #Free masonic #Law vs legal #The Matrix

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