3 months ago

Don’t forget about the animals! They have encounters too. An important category of UFO evidence is cases involving animals reacting to the presence of a UFO. But sometimes the cases go much further than just reactions, and involve intense interactions between animals and the phenomenon. This video presents eight cases in which weird things happen to animals during a UFO encounter. These cases involve the entire range of UFO encounters: sightings, landings, face-to-face encounters with humanoids, onboard UFO encounters – all involving a wide variety of animals. These cases span six decades, involve many witnesses, and come from all over the world. And all of them are just a bit weird! And all of them have important insights into extraterrestrial contact.

THE FLOATING HORSE. On the afternoon of October 16, 1954, Guy Puyfourcat (age 22) was leading his mare back to his home in Cier-de-Riviere, France. Without warning, his horse became spooked and seemed to sense something to the right. Guy looked and saw three figures dart into the bushes. He then heard a strange shrieking sound as a small, gray, saucer-shaped craft rose from the ground 150 feet into the air. It then moved towards him and stopped briefly, at which point, his horse levitated nine feet into the air. The craft darted away and his horse fell to the ground and landed on its side, temporarily paralyzed. After ten minutes, it got up, sweaty and trembling. It was an experience neither would forget.

THE PARALYZED DOG. One day after the above case, on October 17, 1954, Maxime Pignatelli (age 65) was quail hunting with his dog along the banks of the Durance River near Corbieres, France. Looking ahead of him, he saw a twelve-foot-wide black oval object on the ground. On the top section was a dome, and inside he saw two child-like beings wearing helmets. The two figures exited the craft. Maxime’s dog ran towards the figures, and Maxime panicked, and fell into a ditch of water up to his neck. Moments later, his dog came crawling back, howling and whining, dragging its two back legs, which appeared to be paralyzed. As they fled the scene, Maxime felt a wave of unnatural tiredness sweep over him.

THE SHEEP SLAUGHTERING ALIEN. One evening in early 1968 rancher Valentina Flores of Otoco, Bolivia, was herding her lamas back into their pens when she noticed something bizarre happening in her sheep pen. A strange netting had been placed over the area and a four-foot-tall humanoid was inside, using a tube-like instrument with a hook to kill her sheep. She thought it was a rustler and threw rocks at him. He responded by throwing his hooked instrument at her which began to cut her arms and return to his hand like a boomerang. She grabbed a cudgel to fight him off. The figure pulled the netting back into a box-like device, grabbed a bag filled with sheep entrails, rose into the air, and disappeared. Valentina saw that 34 sheep had been slaughtered.

GOAT KIDNAPPED BY ETS. On September 22, 1972, a local peasant woman from Villa Altagracia in the Dominican Republic was shocked to see a strange craft covered with lights landed on the ground. Out came two short beings who proceeded to grab a goat. The goat seemed to be paralyzed and didn’t resist as the two short beings carried it into the craft, which promptly took off at great speed and disappeared from sight into the distance.

CAN WE HAVE FOUR OF YOUR RABBITS? On the night of August 17, 1977, Marco Antonio de la Cuadra (age 70) woke up in his home in Alto Jahuel, Chile. A weird buzzing sound was coming from his rabbit hutch. Going outside, he came upon a giant oval object landed on the ground. He described it as being as big as a building In front of it was a tall human-looking male with blond hair wearing a tight-fitting white diver’s suit. The man said he was part of a scientific exploration team and was looking for new species to help populate his planet. He was looking for fish. Marco said he had no fish, but he did have rabbits. The man asked for four Ermine rabbits which Marco was happy to provide.

THEY WERE INTERESTED IN THE CHICKENS. In the middle of the night, on March 3, 1980, Vivian Cruz Rodriguez (age 16) woke up when she heard her two dogs barking and commotion on the porch of their home in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. Looking out the window, she saw five short humanoids searching for something on their porch. She woke up her 12-year-old brother, Jose, and the two of them watched as the beings inspected their property, showing a great interest in their chickens. The figures fled when a car approached. In the morning, they would find some puzzling physical evidence, including a handprint from one of the beings, and a strange pool of liquid. But unknown to the siblings, only a few miles away, two men watched what was apparently the same figures climb into a landed UFO which took off over the city, where even more witnesses saw the craft.

I SAW A DOLPHIN ONBOARD A UFO. In January 1981, an anonymous woman and her mother were driving on a busy highway in Manchester, England when suddenly there were no other cars, and an odd silence enveloped them. They saw a strange light ahead of them, and noticed a very unusual-looking old-fashioned car. Suddenly the car transformed into a UFO, which disappeared. Upon reaching home, they noticed that they were missing two hours. Under hypnosis, the witness recalled being taken onboard the craft where she saw a human-looking ET. He led her into another room where there was a small pool, inside of which was a sick dolphin. He then told her that he wanted her to pet the sick dolphin.

PIG-SNATCHING ALIENS. In the wee hours of the morning of September 12, 2006, Evan Briese (age 16) of Tappen, ND woke up to get a glass of water and saw something moving around in their pig corral. Thinking it was a coyote, he grabbed his rifle. To his shock, he saw two eight-foot-tall beings stealing their pregnant sow, Ruthie. Evan fired his gun. One of the beings screamed while the other flew towards him, scratched him, and knocked him unconscious. Upon awakening, Evan saw that his shirt was ripped to shreds and the pregnant sow was gone. And this was just the beginning.

These cases reveal an alien agenda that includes a strong interest in animals of all kinds, and that ETs can affect animals in ways we are only beginning to understand. Whether it’s levitating a horse, paralyzing a dog, killing sheep or taking rabbits and pigs, the ETs are visiting many locations all across are planet, and have been doing so for decades.

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