Man missing After Proving Other-Dimensional Beings Exist🚨 Captured Images 🚨Science Non-Fiction🚨

2 months ago

A man made a machine that you can shoot energy into a particular area and then scan the area and these images come up

You can clearly see the desert, something other than humans
They also move to different spots and they can also be detected not only through energy readings, but through the still images and/or radar

As soon as he figured out how to do this, and he proved it, and started releasing his findings to the public, he ended up dead
And magically all of his work, and the machine disappeared
There are still traces and remnants of his work
But until now I have not found a complete account of his work start to finish
Nor have I found plans or details for how to build the machine, and what magnetism is required or radar requirement.

This is a wild story, and the craziest part is there are plenty of accounts of it being true, especially buried in government paperwork

This was real. This man was real. Both of them ended up gone.

What are your thoughts?

#News #TrendingNews #Conspiracies #ChristianGospel #Viral #Trending #share #Expose #Exposing #Exposed #Exposes CapturedImages #OtherDimensionalBeing #4D #HiddenInPlainSight #Lights #Light #Spectrum #Waves #Wave #Readings #LightWaves #LightRays #Recorded #Murdered #Killed #Eliminated #Executed #Information #Dangerous #InformationRelease #DangerousInformation #control #PopulationIgnorance #Sheep #Sleeping #OutOfSightOutOfMind #insane #Real #StolenWork #StolenPatent #Stolen #Equipment #computers #printers #Readers #Reader #Scanner #image #ImageProducedFromScanner #secrets #mib #cia #nasa #psyop #intelligence #controlled
#Radar #Scanned #Images #beings #infrared #radar #scans #energy #ReadingEnergy #pictures #video #movement #Sound #Frequencies #Frequency #power #electricity #aliens #spirits #ghosts #FourthDimension #DimensionalBeing #InterDimensional #rays #beams #Lasers #machines #Science #Fiction #ScienceFiction #NonScienceFiction
#Theory #Theories #Proof #Evidence

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