Turn Around and See

4 months ago

As a general rule, it is wise to always look forward. And you will get people who will give you advice that we always need to be forward-thinking and forward-looking. However, there are times and exceptions, if you will, when it's a good idea to turn around and look to see what's been behind. The Scriptures will tell us a good example of why we should, on occasion, look to see what was behind.

Sermon Notes
Psalm 23:6a It is certain that goodness & lovingkindness by God will follow me always
Romans 8:28 God causes all things to work for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose
Psalm 86:13 –15 God is merciful and abundant in lovingkindness
Psalm 23:6b I will dwell in God’s house forever
John 14:1 – 6 Jesus confirms this promise
Ephesians 3:14 –19 Paul prays that we might comprehend God’s great love toward us

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