The Messenger11 Michelle Lee Atrocious Albatross TCR Butthurt Triggered Michelle was EXPOSED!

2 months ago

The Messenger11 Michelle went hard after she was Exposed! Triggered Butt Hurt. Michelle didn't expect that her website was going to be discovered she was trying to hide it.

Michelle didn't think people would be able to pair up what she was doing playing the roles of different people.

BTW Michelle that is how good I am. I found what nobody else could.

Who is your Daddy!

Question Michelle if you could go back and take that advice, I gave you months ago would you take it? You know when I told you to stop your Charade?

I guess you weren't smart enough to see that was a Warning.

Michelle didn't want people to know it was her doing this. Thus, why she didn't tell anyone where the videos she sent Trev came from.

They came from Michelle's Website. I Guess that was Michelle's way of testing TREV.

News Flash Skank. The Test was on You Michelle.

You Failed Miserably. I gave you over 60 days to stop your Charade. Like you have even said yourself. That was a Big Mistake Huh Michelle?

Yes, it was Skank Yes it was.

Michelle thought she was going to be able to Sabotage creators in the true crime community and get away with it.

It's just too bad Skank you will NEVER be given a chance in this community.

Ask Why? Watch the Video Scally Wag!

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