NOVEMBER UPDATE: natural healing [via flow fields resonance] {nature connection}:

3 months ago

[✓] when do visualizing first violet color light glow in out around own being (for remove non physical manipulation) then do visualizing bright white light connection into very core center earth (center galaxy connection also beyond) is also real thing specially when not fear also when not read write think how become more meditative or deep relax how receive maximal.

[@] active sun {UP TO} [12TH DIMENSION ENERGY FLOW], internet virtual reality is 99% all wrong {why better be more aware}.

😇 remember keep your attention without fear over top your own head area when like want activate your own soul energy for receive into your physical, best easiest receive is outside modern citys on old softwood forests or also young hardwood forests or on sand mud ground, get buy find order 3 tektite stone combine together for carry on your heart area, visualizing violet color light glow around your being, visualizing direct bright white light connection into very core center earth, also not forget groundings nature connection, ask help from highest not less, receive you been ask or know receive maximal flow, for receive maximal flow do teach deep relax for your physical as good better best on negative situation is not automatic only work, not try buy ready made products services more than real need is,

🍋 DETOXing your mental PHYSICAL both is also CURE all weakness SICKNESS, combine most is most helpful naturally remove sicknesses from physical, mixed with superfoods like berrys, many versions:

carlic honey raw ginger and raw curcuma..

alkaline with structured quality:
fresh grass juice from barley or wheat..

alkaline foods:

original cancers remover:
roots for detoxing like ginseng or curcuma or licorice
clinical iodine
natural red iodine
original blackseed oil
B17 vitamin or apricot seeds
pine needle tee or spruce needle tee..

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🏝️ ESCAPE TRAVEL INTO NATURE HARDWOOD FORESTS OR OLD SOFTWOOD FORESTS FOR DO GROUNDINGS, TURN KEEP OFF WIFI BLUETOOTH HOTSPOTS ALSO ON 4G PHONES, is not real help for your physical mental full being to go into nature with all wireless signals on, on modern citys your energy is only 20% as barely breath even without wireless networks..

☀️ MINERALS active flow for energy as SEA SALT or also natural silica means sand mud, try keep sea salt bags on skin where feel need is recover healing or remove pain, big medium grain size sea salts inside high dense plastic bags give more energy feels cool cold on skin, easiest cheapest energy tool also one part home made tooth paste when add baking soda plus coconut oil plus drops iodine with sea salt, you not need eat sea salt, also works for add half kilogram sea salt into bath waters help get energy into blood how blood carry energy directly into cell level for cell spin, also sand or and mud both works for barefoot groundings directly connection into very core center earth via bottom legs on natural silica on sand mud..

💡know how without fear you can do visualizing VIOLET LIGHT glow in AROUND YOUR own full BEING or also more automatic is keep UVAB lights on over night or also can visualizing your direct bright white light connection into very core center earth, you feel instantly physical relief how why you also also mental relief, connection into nature more directly is only real 'first aid' when been all life on modern city..

💰 real reason for negativities to happen not exist, negativities aka accidents violence sickness was been ready paid deep programmed to happen specially on modern citys, negativities are alway mistakes accidents glitches on creator creation whats programmed automatic negativities with all believes, solar system was been hijacked into darkness longer period, negativities was been copied into solar system from outside solar system..

🍓do build up non stop or tune into high frequency, DO GROUNDINGS AND DIRECTLY NATURE CONNECTION AND BE BECOME MORE MEDITATIVE WITH KNOW TRAVEL TO OUTSIDE CITYS FOR STOP READ WRITE THINK WHERE JUST BE OR DO THINGS HELP YOU MORE RELAX FOCUS JOY or just survive forward until full disclosure is happen, full disclosure IS COMING so not worry just focus your own life 100%, FULL discloSURE not cancelled, know from 1990s to forward light orbs been on sky more, now is easier look find dancing light orbs on from sky, only on for big citys is not shown before on full disclosure, also sun is been more active from 1990s to forward..

🧨 negative groups try keep you on lower frequency with hide real history etc, stay on joy happy protect physically mentally your own space not listen officials also not force your own being others find only your own good better best experience before help others, they still try attacks, you can survive when not do fear..

🌏 earth full evacuation is ultimate plan, all other plans fail, only you can build up your own independent experience as unique soul, situation is extreme toxic poison also radioactive, know wake up protect your full physical mental being or turn into light..

❌ is under 1% on internet info is real correctly told how over 99% is hybrid means lower dimension beings aka alien DNA mixed with people DNA why masons nazism satanism cannibalism communism Artificial Intelligence Intels are on mixed into all on internet virtual reality also astrology numerology symbolism whats all wrong, internet monitors about world situation and radioactivity sensors and space satellites was been programmed to show wrong how you not get warned or wake up or know protect your full being, real share is near impossible mission so understand you get only limited share from all others or real info is very rare..

💯 been also outside solar system on 1990s, seen operate control free energy technologies on 2007 also been travel from continent to continent on continental deep underground under sea magnetic monorail network into desert city on from europe before was give command for to destroy all that when all that technologies networks on earth surface was been still on wrong hands, s over 99% is light on bigger picture, how under 1% darkness aka mistakes glitches accidents on creation, focus receive maximal even without look back, all informations intels are lower frequency, reach good better best experience even without informations intels so have fate or trust or direction not totally blind, deep relax become more meditative or you still read write think whats all lower frequency was been teached to you only keep you on repeat mistakes, naturally life is not complex, all manipulations is very complex, you not get more positive before full disclosure been happen, know survive, easy solutions are all gone already before, without also help your own being first your help for others not real help, key is not words terms, key is your own communication for your own being, how naturally you also reach to outside your own being, DUALISM is illusion about black white heaven hell positive negative whats UNBALANCE genrated with layers lies, thats illusions inside illusion situation, when you remove one layer lies you find more layers lies, thats hybrid parallel reality with spirit world spiritualism aka fake high with physically manipulated layer been connected into non physical Artificial Intelligence deep programmed souls aka archons, anunnaki was begin physical manipulation how why all side effects after effects you still can seen when look around..

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🔊 remember perfect share is non exist on internet virtual reality also beings not perfect beings even higher dimensions beings aka galactics have own soul healing going on same when help others on own full work so know listen full truth alway from between lines when is internet share:

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