EP3: Morality By What Standard

3 months ago

In this video I make an argument for the best objective standard we have to determine what is or isn’t moral. I discuss briefly the post modern appeal to a subjective “my truth,” a consensus appeal, and a Biblical standard whose moral foundation is the 10 Commandments. I also say a word about the Macionite “unhitiching” heresy that wrongly argues that the Old Testament is not relavent to Christians.

0:00 Intro
0:59 Post Modernism - My Truth
1:58 Consensus Chaos
3:03 Biblical Moral Standard
3:17 The 10 Commandments
4:09 A Secular Argument for the 10 C's
5:01 Foundation of Western Civilization
5:59 My Standard - The Bible & the 10’cs
7:32 Marcionite “Unhitching” Heresy
9:26 Conclusion


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