
1 month ago

s reconstruction of the faces of Roman emperors and politicians from period sculptures

We have not been taught education in schools, but nonsense (graded) that is useful to the enemy.

In a modern state, state power is derived from the people. The people are the sovereign, and by sovereign we also mean the people. That is why all parts of state power must come from the people. This applies to the police and the military, and even more so to legislation. In the Federal Republic of Germany, there is no such thing as suitable and competent persons (citizens) with honorary rights (blameless citizens who work for the common good and thus shape the state (e.g. voluntary fire department, technical relief organization and other institutions serving the common good)) working for the state. Instead, we have traitors and enemies in top positions who deny us human rights and keep us as slaves with a foreign company. Slavery means being subordinated to a private association (BRD) from which you cannot escape. And never in history has a change of nationality been seen as just (unless for peace) in order to escape repression or, as here, slavery. 
The fact that pensioners, who according to German law are entitled to a reasonable pension in order not only to make ends meet but also to enjoy their retirement after a working life, have to look for returnable bottles in garbage while the occupying forces use the pension contributions for weapons for the enemy's war in violation of international law is not only immoral, but a war crime and prohibited in several respects under the HLKO.

Even if I personally am not doing so well, I am happy not to be Russian, British, American or French. Because I only know a few nations that come close to such depravity.

May they be repaid twice and three times over. As is the German custom. The good as well as the bad.
Swap the words "returnable deposit bottles" for "citizens" and you know what they think of us.
Deposit machines work on the same principle as those who print money and just offer it to people.
Sell added value below value and pull the bill.....
Sometimes they don't rumble like that for nothing.....They're not called "Kunz" or "Franz" but Rumpelstiltskin.....
The consumer advice center is even quite obviously educating people and people are allowed to try out the same fraudster principle themselves every day, which is done to people here.
However, they are all still just offers. The problem is that it is readily accepted without most people even realizing it.
Hiding things in plain sight for people to try out for themselves. Legally even absolutely desirable.....

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