The Underworld is an Endless Chorus (alternate version)

2 months ago

The story of two lovers who are in an accident and both have a near death experience where their Souls are separated and one is sent into the Underworld of Hades becoming lost in the maze of haze. The other Soul prays to God for help and she is sent into the Underworld to find him. They are shown the eternal fire and the fallen pagan gods and many souls who have been trapped in the underworld until the end time judgement. They encounter Horus and Set battling in a cursed loop of destruction. They both find their way back out of the Underworld only when they call upon Yahweh and Christ Yeshua to Redeem them from their sins of destruction. If you like my content on here please hit the link below and you will taken to my home Rumble page where all my other content is located. Follow and share far and wide!

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