“ watch the video to understand who is THE LION, it is NOT the Lamb”

2 months ago


☄️☄️DO please watch the video to understand who is THE LION, it is NOT the Lamb. Trump is identifying himself again, the lion and the snake. Please note that a "dragon" is a Greek term for a large snake. 🐉

This is from the Secret Book (apocryphon) of Yahuwchanan (John):

"Without the Invisible Spirit’s consent
Without the knowledge of her Partner
She brought it into being.
Because she had unconquerable Power
Her thought was not unproductive.
Something imperfect came out of her
Different in appearance from her.
Because she had created it without her masculine Counterpart
She gave rise to a misshapen being unlike herself.
Wisdom saw what her desire produced.
It changed into the form of a dragon [large snake] with a lion’s head
And eyes flashing lightning bolts.
She cast him far from her,
Outside of the realm of the immortal beings
So that they could not see him.
She had created him in ignorance.
Wisdom surrounded him with a brilliant cloud,
Put a throne in the center part of the cloud
So that no one would see it.
[Except for the pure Spirit called the Mother of the Living]
She named him Yaldabaoth [spawn of shame]."

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.☄️☄️

For more information see YahwehYahuwshua.org

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