11/16/2024 "DO ___ for others" - Mack and Schaper

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Yes, it appears that we have a new Sheriff in town and President Trump/America needs our help. We are now in a situation where at worst we have much less resistance in doing good but it's up to you and I to get to work and NOW!. Yes, and keep it local, local , local. . . . Folks we are DO radio- Christian talk radio with a sting where you can see the difference and feel our presence.

Speaking of Sheriffs and local activism, our first guest is none other than Sheriff Richard Mack who is leading the way to employ our highest elected law officials in support of local citizens. Sheriffs have the constitutional power to interpose on our behalf when a State or Federal Government acts unconstitutionally. Sheriff Mack heads up the CSPOA and in 1994, Sheriff Mack and six other sheriffs from across the country, challenged the constitutionality of the Brady Bill and ultimately fought it all the way to the United States Supreme Court, where they won a monumental decision for freedom.
Second Hour
In the second hour we will visit with Arthur Shaper of Mass Resistance, an organization that is at ground level on several fronts and in numerous cities paving the way for justice on behalf of we the people. Local, local ,local folks that is where we need to first plant our flag and then work our way up to the ladder. The hometown turf, starting in the family, must be in position and at the ready in order to assure our success and more importantly our liberties.
With the help of Arthur, Mass Resistance and local patriots we

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