Trump defends genociding Israel?

3 months ago

said: “My first week back in the Oval Office, my administration will inform every college president that, if you do not end antisemitic propaganda, they will lose their accreditation and federal taxpayer support.”


1. Firstly, using the Federal Govt to enforce a completely fake definition of ‘antisemitism’ to close down higher education institutions/deny access to education based on political beliefs - is against the First Amendment of the US Constitution. If I have to point this out, then you need to re-read it ASAP.

2. Secondly, criticism of Israeli actions, Zionist ideology, or Israel’s genocide in Palestine, or mass -murder of Lebanese people - is NOT “antisemitic”. And NO Supreme Court justice will back Trump & media’s fanciful version of reality here (clearly being imposed by Israeli Lobby).

3. Supporting Palestinian human rights, the right to life, liberty and end to a brutal apartheid is NOT ‘antisemitic’, nor is it “pro-Hamas” or “pro-terrorism.” It’s time we dispensed with this lie, before it’s eventually obliterated by a US High Court judgement anyway. Even your most conservative justice, Clarence Thomas, will send this farce into juris oblivion, where it belongs. (Note to free speech warrior

4. By allowing a foreign lobby to enact unconstitutional, dare we say *un-American*, disingenuous authoritarian moves like these - the President is empowering a very intelligent & highly motivated, nonpartisan opposition at home and abroad.

It’s a losing gambit all around.

Trump then added, “We will not subsidize the creation of terrorist sympathizers and we’re certainly not going to do it on American soil. Next, I will inform every educational institution in our land that, if they permit violence, harassment, or threats against Jewish students, the schools will be held accountable for violations of the civil rights law.”

Utterly ridiculous, and embarrassing. Understand your office does itself no favors by allowing the Israeli Lobby to write these over-the-top, ill-advised speeches. This kind of half-baked reactionary politics will ultimately hurt you, your movement, and the country for that matter. It’s not even good for Israelis and Jews in America. It will create more animosity and fuel more of what you call ‘antisemitism’. You are directly fuelling a vicious cycle.

There is no upside, it’s 100% in the liability column. You will lose… bigly.

And The Lobby couldn’t care less if you do. They can always buy another.

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