Michelle Lee Hardesty AKA Atrocious Albatross TCR COMMUNICATING THREATS Via Text Message.

1 month ago

This Video proves Michelle plotting to hurt others. Communicating Threats. One of the Threats says she wants that Bish Dead.
Another Threat Says she will shoot the Bish between the Eyes herself.

These are Arrestable Threats. Communicating Threats via text is a crime. We are going to need to get a copy of all those records Michelle for your Case!

Michelle Belongs Behind Bars for Threatening People this way. Jackie is a Witness she was the one who Received the Messages and also has copies showing who they came from.

It's a Slam Dunk Case! Thier isn't a Judge in America who wouldn't convict Michelle for these kinds of Threats. When are we going to get to show these in Michelle's said Court Filings Lmao. Scally Wag Lying Skank. Bluff Ass Bish.

What's the email you want me to send the Videos to Michelle? Your Advocate? Your Counselor? The Longview PD? I want to make sure we can help your case along that you claim to be filing. Bluff Ass Bish. Lol Knowing Dam well you are the only one who has committed crimes. Just Like what I've seen here in this Video.

It's a Slam Dunk Case Scally Wag. You have No Defense to these kinds of Threats. What are you going to tell the Judge that you didn't mean them?

Lock Michelle Up and throw away the Key. Only After First you place a Muzzle on Michelle and Her Foul Dog Toy Sucking Pig Mouth.

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