#MKultra Monarch Mind Control Slave, #Princess Diana, Elizabeth Wallace,#Royal Bloodline

3 months ago

Elizabeth Wallace of the Netherlands, who I interview here in this video for the first publicly, is the primary source for my new book The Queen, The Princess and The Shaman: How the Nazi's MKUltra Program Shattered and Then United Humanity (working title).

Elizabeth speaks in detail here about her horrific experiences with Josef Mengele ( i.e. "The Angel of Death", ) who, as part of her MKultra programming, tortured her beginning when she was a baby in order to split her mind into thousands of pieces, each one considered an "asset" to the Deep State.

All social media of Elizabeth Wallace: bio.link/elizabethwallace
YouTube channel : https://www.youtube.com/@UCn_LUHryhyt-zdsnXooBJHg

It is important for the world to know the truth about the MKUltra trauma-based mind control program which thousands, if not millions of other children, are still, to this day, being tortured with in order for the #Deep State --i.e. royals, the #Vatican, CIA, #Illuminati, the American military--to acquire what they hope will be armies of mind controlled slaves which they use in the sex slave business, in the military as assassins, and much much more.

Privately, over the past year and a half, Elizabeth has graciously provided over a hundred hours of audio testimony via the phone and private Zoom meeting, and then additionally, dozens of pages of written testimony, private photographs and drawings.

Elizabeth, who is of a royal bloodline, and was a close friend of Princess Diana, also reveals the details of the real horrors Princess Diana experienced at the hands of her in-laws, the Windsor's and her former husband, now #king Charles.

It seems Charles was more of Diana's "handler" then her husband-- information which helps us better understand Diana's struggles, including her suicide attempts, her bulimia, and deep depression; as well as the incredible strength and fortitude it took for Diana to continue to try to work towards creating a better world for children and humanity, before her "accidental" death in a car crash in August of 1997.

We have decided to provide the public seven short interviews, containing bits and pieces of what is contained in the book, prior to the release of the book. Be aware this video was sabotaged before it was uploaded, it took about four days to clear that up and then it took three whole days to upload (my upload speed was reduced to.78) so it may ultimately be taken down, so please listen, like, share, before it is unavailable.

( I am actively looking for a publisher who is not afraid to shock the world with revelations of child abuse by the royals, and the American military, but who will also have the opportunity to be the first to reveal the secret life of Princess Diana, and also of a bloodline monarch coming forward to the world for the first time).

I am 100 percent convinced Elizabeth is exactly who she says she is. No one could make up this shocking testimony which could alter, potentially, the written history of the German/American/English relationship during the WWI and the #coldwar: as well as the stories we have come to believe to be true about Princess Diana, The Queen of England, Prince Philip, and many more famous people including several Hollywood stars (several of whom helped Elizabeth escape from her MKultra handlers).

If her testimony is confirmed and and her bloodline proven, it could also change the future for England, and thus the world. New, uncorrupted leaders, who are truly For The People, and will protect children and the earth, and humanity-- the qualities I believe Elizabeth emulates-- will contribute to the demise of the Nazi/Deep State New World Order goals, as well as to the rise of a New Earth, where love is central to our human experience.

Having spent 24 years healing from the Deep State/military torture, she is here now to bring truth, love, light, healing, freedom and leadership.

I can be contacted through email: lovenewearth@tutanota.com or by text @505-755-3344. I am a #targetedindividual individual and continually monitored and cyberhacked, so if you cannot get through with these methods, please leave comment below video or also send direct message through Twitter or YouTube, or Linked In. Thank you. Love, Jane


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