JUAN O SAVIN - Interesting Points Let that sink in - Mel Carmine 11 13 2024

3 months ago

Juan and Mel actually recorded this on 11 9 2024 but just posted 11 13 2024. Mel Carmine hosts Juan O Savin and discusses the 14th Amendment and its ramifications. As well as the aftermath of the Election. Let that SINK in...What we have experienced as Juan states "I'll work as a pooper scooper guy at the barn" (rather than be rich because of Satans Payola) to give into the Demons for eternity? You should think about this. Better get a day job.
Since the mobile network was very spotty it is very hard to listen to and I clipped out the times when Juan went off line. And at the end when the picture part of the program for Juan was taken off I substituted some background that is on line and on Juans X.com page here. https://x.com/JuanOSavin107

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