Inside Cigartopia 2024: A Real-Life Cigar Paradise For Aficionados

2 months ago

Step into the world of Cigartopia—a utopia imagined for cigar aficionados—brought to life right at Cigars Daily HQ. Our recent event turned fantasy into reality, creating a paradise where the love of cigars unites and thrives free from regulations. Join us as we recap an unforgettable day filled with exceptional cigars, industry insights, and camaraderie.

Dive into the highlights of the event, which featured special appearances by Laurel Tilley from AJ Fernandez Cigars, Nick Zaglifa from Oliva Cigars, and Justin Andrews from Diesel Cigars. We welcomed 250 guests from 21 different states, each contributing to the vibrant tapestry of this community celebration.

Witness the enthusiasm and passion of the cigar community as we explore the setup, the bustling activities, and the shared moments that made Cigartopia more than just a place—it's a movement. Whether you're a longtime follower or new to our channel, this video will give you a front-row seat to the magic and camaraderie of Cigartopia, where every puff is a testament to freedom and fellowship in the world of cigars.
#cigarsdaily #cigarsdailynation

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