TikTok Fame: Pay-to-Play

3 months ago

This video exposes TikTok’s allegedly deceptive promotion practices, revealing how the platform prioritizes paid boosts over organic reach. As a Palestinian American artist, the creator shares their personal experience of having new and flourishing pro-Palestinian accounts quickly silenced, illustrating how TikTok’s algorithm values profits over authentic voices. A featured Times of Israel article highlights that millions of pro-Palestinian videos have been buried, along with the humanity of TikTok’s ownership. Silencing voices that simply call for an end to endless wars in the Middle East and the immediate protection of innocent lives, rather than more delays and empty rhetoric from complicit government leaders, is a grave injustice. This betrayal of American values for personal and political gain demands accountability. Someday, I hope that TikTok faces legal consequences for its complicity in covering up genocide and silencing the native Semitic people of Palestine.

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