Off Grid Life Airstream RV Tour and Diesel Heater

2 months ago

I give a tour of my Airstream, I think it's the first time I have done that. Just a day on the homestead. Working on some roads and eventual campsites for when we go operational in the spring. Stay tuned I will start taking reservations ASAP!!! Come out and camp with me!!

I show you my diesel heater set up we recently got going for the winter. It's a life saver. We didn't find any info or videos on YouTube on how to properly port the duct into the camper. We just had to figure it out ourselves. It was kind of scary drilling a hole through the floor of the camper. I'm sure someone is going to have their own idea of a better way we could have done it. The current set up is function, not fashion. We almost never sit at the table, so that was the spot we picked for the hole. The vent currently being used is temporary. We're going to figure out a more permanent solution soon. Hopefully something that looks a little better. If we decide to travel there will be a cap put onto the top and bottom of the hole we created... so it is what it is... if works great!! One word of warning with the diesel heater, DO NOT let the power cut out before allowing it to go through its shut down period. Of course we knew this, but he bumped the cord and it came unplugged. EW GROSS, it smelled so bad, the whole camper smelled like the inside of an exhaust pipe. Luckily we opened the windows and fans and got it out pretty quick. Just have to be careful. Off grid you have two options, the generator or the battery. Both have a risk of shutting off. You have to be mindful of how much juice or fuel you have at all times. The diesel heater we have only runs at about 30w when it's on high. Which is not very much power. It's much better than running an electric heater or even our Airstream furnace. If you'd like the same diesel heater we have here's the link

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