A Misguided Beauty? - Vickers VC10

2 months ago

Hello everyone! :D

Often considered one of the most beautiful jet airliners ever to grace the skies, the Vickers VC10 was a machine built to outshine the Boeing 707 and Douglas DC-8 through performance, technological wizardry and comfort, all factors that the VC10, in the fullness of time, would demonstrate in spades when compared to its American rivals.

Sadly, the Vickers VC10 had been built as a case specific proposition for British international flag airline BOAC, in that it was tailor made for the Empire Routes to Africa and Asia, and while it performed spectacularly in all roles handed to it, its exceptional maintenance and operational costs meant that even BOAC didn't want the VC10 until they were forced to acquire a fleet at the behest of the government, while the squabbling of the flag carrier and the British parliament ultimately drove away a majority of prospective buyers, leading to one of the worst commercial aviation failures in history.

All video content and images in this production have been provided with permission wherever possible. While I endeavour to ensure that all accreditations properly name the original creator, some of my sources do not list them as they are usually provided by other, unrelated YouTubers. Therefore, if I have mistakenly put the accreditation of 'Unknown', and you are aware of the original creator, please send me a personal message at my Gmail (this is more effective than comments as I am often unable to read all of them): rorymacveigh@gmail.com

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Thanks again, everyone, and enjoy! :D

- Key Aero (and their respective references)
- VC10.net (and their respective references)
- Wikipedia (and its respective references)

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