Hocus Pocus By Focus - Gabbi Gun - R. Sarzo - K. Mary - S. Van Zen - P. Bradley - G. Schutt 4K

3 months ago

Gabbi Gun teams up with awesome musicians Rudy Sarzo, Ken Mary, Scott Van Zen, Patrick Bradley, and Gary Schutt for a MONSTER of a MEDLEY. You've got to check this one out!

Learn To Sing Like This! Click Here Now: https://KenTamplinVocalAcademy.com/

You can follow the featured artists below:

Gabriela Gunčíková:
Website: http://gabrielaguncikova.com/ ⚠ Link hidden Learn more
/ gabrielaguncikovaofficial

Ken Mary (Flotsam And Jetsam) –
Facebook: / kenkmary
Youtube: / @kenkmaryofficial
Instagram: / kenkmary

Gary Schutt

Rudy Sarzo
Twitter: / rudysarzo
Instagram: / sarzo.rudy
Facebook: / rudy.sarzo
/ officialrudysarzo

Patrick Bradley
/ patrick.bradley.9883

Scott Van Zen https://www.scottvanzenguitarschool.com

This one goes out to all my instrumentalist friends out there.

I have always wanted to cover this song because I'm a huge guitar enthusiast (and player) but the awkward strange vocal breaks had always kept me at arms distance from doing so.

This never became more apparent than when I approached other well-known guitar player friends of mine who passed on doing this song for that specific reason.

So I decided to raise the bar in typical Ken Tamplin fashion and turn those "vocal break weaknesses" into strengths.

You are about to find out what I mean :-)

Without getting too preachy, I believe that anything in life that we have shied away from because of our "weaknesses", we can turn into strengths just like I did here in this song.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it :-)

Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy - Where The PROOF Is In the playing, the singing, and turning failures
into successes.

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Check out the KTVA website to learn more:

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Check out these additional resources:
How To Sing: https://kentamplinvocalacademy.com/si...

How To Sing Higher: https://kentamplinvocalacademy.com/ho...

What Is My Vocal Range and Voice Type: https://kentamplinvocalacademy.com/ho...

How To Get Over Stage Fright and Fear of Singing Publicly: https://kentamplinvocalacademy.com/ho...

Please Follow me on Instagram: @kentamplinvocalacademy / kentamplinvocalacademy
Find me on facebook: / kentamplin
Check out my TikTok: / kentamplin
Listen to my Albums on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3wpKO...
Business E-mail: ktvahelp@gmail.com

Oh, yeah! And here's some news some of you may be interested in:
Some Fun Nostalgia For You.
My Old Shout Records Have Been Remastered.
For Anyone Interested: You Can Find Them Here:
#hocuspocus #focus #gabbigun #gabrielaguncikova #rudysarzo #kenmary
#scottvanzen #patrickbradley #garyschutt #kentamplinvocalacademy

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