NFO DEER HUNTING EP 27 “Coopers 1st Bow Buck”

2 months ago

Cooper and I slipped into the big tree stand at the Stroh Farm. He had his new bow with him during the first week of gun season. He was wanting to kill a deer with his new bow so bad! This doe came in and ran of. Then she came in again and ran off before he had a chance to shoot her. He was kinda bummed! The she came in again and ran off just before he was preparing to draw back. Then I saw this nice 8-point come out of the planted trees! He came right in and slipped behind us. Cooper was prepared and ready! He let it eat and smoked that big buck at 12 yards perfectly! Got a full arrow pass through! The deer ran about 20yards to the planted trees and the. We heard him crash! He was laying right where we heard him crash! Cooper did sooo awesome! I am so proud of him!

5th deer with compound bow
1st deer with his new bow
1st buck with a bow!

Bow Info
Mathew’s V3X - 29
25.5” draw
Slick Trick Magnums 100gr
QAD Ultrarest
Trophy Ridge 3-pin sight
Stinger Micro Stabilizer
Gold Tip Hunter XT Arrow 27.5”

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