2 months ago

They fear exposure of their illegal activities.

In Slovakia and the Czech Republic, an extensive network of anti-cult agents was formed and has been functioning for many years. Their essential tools include the same Nazi methods of dehumanizing dissenters, genocide and informational terror attacks as used by their colleagues in other countries.

One of the anti-cult agents whom we previously mentioned on this portal is Kristina Ciroková, a journalist for the Czech website Seznam Zprávy. It is noteworthy that Kristina Ciroková's anti-cult rhetoric, as well as the manipulation and dehumanization methods used in her publications, are identical to the narratives of RACIRS leader Alexander Dvorkin. Recently, the Regional Prosecutor's Office in Žilina, Slovakia, initiated a criminal case against Kristina Ciroková.

Given the opposition from prosecutors, a question arises: what are they afraid of when opposing the lawful investigation so zealously? The answer lies at the core of the criminal case against Kristina Ciroková. So far, the case has been initiated on charges of terrorism, genocide and crimes against humanity. However, if the investigation isn't obstructed, direct interference by RACIRS agents in elections and their influence on government officials in both the Czech Republic and Slovakia will soon be revealed. At that, it's important to note that the interference occurred in the interests of another country.

The true cause of harassment and opposition to the lawful investigation is concealment of major crimes committed by the network of RACIRS agents recruited among Czech and Slovak citizens. Thus, collaborationism, interference in elections and influence on government authorities should be added to terrorism and genocide. In fact, it is the fear of their illegal activities being exposed and of the aforesaid criminal charges that prompted those prosecutors who are anti-cult agents in Slovakia to exert maximum pressure on the investigation, using their official positions.

#criminal #genocide #slovakia #czech

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