Watch Scott Slam This Officer

2 months ago

Let's handle the ridiculousness of the "sovereign citizen" accusations. Grab 🍿🍿

Watch Scott get pulled over by a complete jackass of a policy revenue officer.

At 11:30 at night, this man in his policy revenue officer costume, pulled Scott over for the tires of his truck not coming to a COMPLETE stop in this tiny town where Scott grew up and knows like the back of his hand.

Was anyone harmed? No.

Scott drives a Mac daddy gigantic, blacked out windows, super masculine pick up truck....
With private plates on the back.

Scott has not had a driver's license for over a decade, so long that he can't remember when he gave it up.

When this officer jumped at Scott like a complete fool, Scott pulled out his phone to film.

We recommend always filming them.

This man's backup he refers to in the video, is the next town over, and they know who Scott is.

They know he's not under their jurisdiction because he is not in the driver's license contract, nor is his truck registered (donated) to the state to volunteer to be taxed.

So when this man called for backup, he was told to stand down by the chief of the next town over.

But he can't just be normal.
He has to attempt to exert his power.

For all who think "that sovereign citizen stuff" is nonsense, well, you're looking right at it.

I only edited out the quiet time in the video when the officer went back to his car.

On what planet do you think you can get away with speaking this way to a psycho like this?

When you know what you're doing, and know they have no jurisdiction!

Scott was TRYING to get him to arrest him so he could sue him for violating his rights.

If you'd like to have this level of confidence, then join the Inalienable University where you will learn that YOUR RIGHTS ARE INALIENABLE!

This cop is nothing but an officer for a private corporation who is trained to attempt to extort your money via "violations" where no person was harmed.

On what planet does that make sense to you?🤣

You have a right to travel, so says the Bill of Rights, backed up by the SCOTUS.


You waive that right upon acquiring a driver's license.

You've agreed to the rules, codes, statutes, and ordinances of the Department of Transportation of your state.

The propaganda of the driver's license is how they get you to unknowingly consent to waive your rights and put you under their jurisdiction which creates "the person of" in their LEGAL ENTITY NAME of YOUR NAME...

So that they can impose the civil statutes against the legal entity, and you the living man, simply open up your wallet, voluntarily and pay and pay and pay.

Would you ever take the sh*t this man was dishing out?

Scott is the king.
Scott is the Robinhood of the legal system.

The entire LEGAL SYSTEM is REPUGNANT to the Constitution.

Anyone who knowingly violates your rights is warring against the Constitution and is then guilty of TREASON.

Speak these words of truth as your conviction and watch the civil servants fall into line.

Follow me to freedom!
Join https://Inalienable.University

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