The fish song 🐠 | Cartoon Animal Songs for Kids | HeyKids Nursery Rhymes

1 month ago

0:00 The Fish song - fishing video for kids
1:26 Bingo Song
4:10 Down By The Bay
6:09 Baby Shark
7:56 Animal Sounds Song
10:46 Johny Johny Yes Papa
12:16 Three Mighty Gnomes
13:37 Head Shoulders Knees and Toes dance for kids
15:06 Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall
16:39 Daddy Finger song
18:58 Old MacDonald Had A Farm
22:09 Come out sun - Sunshine Song
23:22 The Lucky Ducky Dance song - dance song for babies
26:10 Shapes song
28:48 Time for bed

🐠 The fish song - Lyrics :

In the cool clear fountain where the water’s flowing
Came a cute blue striped fish up without a warning
“Come out little cute fish! Listen when I say
Let’s go to the garden! Please come out to play!”

“I live in the water. You live on the land
I cannot go out there, you must understand.”
“Come out little cute fish! Listen when we say
Let’s go to the garden! Please come out to play!”

“I live in the water. Here where I can breathe.
Mommy always tells me, “Please don’t ever leave!”
“Little cute blue striped fish, we are so impressed!
(You) listen to your Mama. She knows what is best!”

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