3 months ago

QUESTION: "Do you desire to know, love, serve, and share the Kerygma (the Good News) that Jesus is Lord and Savior for every man, woman, and child. Is your heart burning with love for God, Jesus and the Dunamis (dynamite) to transform your life?"

ANSWER: "FAITH IN FIVE" can help! My name is Scott David Turbitt. I am an unashamed, 'Catholic' Christian who calls Abba (YHWH) my Father; Jesus - my Lord, Savior, and Friend; and the Wild Goose (a Celtic for Holy Ghost), the Paraclete, Advocate, Helper my Holy Spirit. My relationship and biblical understanding to the Holy Trinity is that they are a Three Person in One Triune God based on God's unconditional love and grace with the "expectant" faith, trust, and love I have (and an "intentional" daily desire to converse with God in prayer aiming for the goal of grow in holiness and reaching the 'Beatific Vision (Heaven) and proclaiming my faith in God for the salvation of souls.

How? By meditating and absorbing Sacred Scripture and the dynamic spiritual nuggets (bread crumbs) of biblical faith statements every man, woman, and child can memorize, and speak out loud to overcome and conquer sin, the wiles of the evil one and become a spiritual warrior for God, family, church, and community for such a time as this!

QUESTION: "Are you ready to experience "FAITH IN FIVE?"

NOTE: All of the Sacred Scripture cited in these five-minute videos are cited from the English Standard translation of the 73-books of the Bible.

Pax et Bonum,

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