Kash Patel joined Larry Kudlow to discussed John Ratcliffe stepping in as CIA Director

3 months ago

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Kash Patel just joined Larry Kudlow for a great interview where he discussed John Ratcliffe stepping in as CIA Director, Trump’s mandate for sweeping changes, the Military Industrial Complex, the fact that the Dept. of Defense has not passed a budget audit in 16 years, and the changes that need to happen at the DOJ. [Full interview below]

“The question again that we should be asking those folks that are outraged (at the FBI) is, where was your career official outrage when Russiagate occurred and you illegally surveilled the President?

Where was your career outrage when hundreds of thousands of Americans were unlawfully surveilled in one year alone, just two years ago?

Where was your outrage when houses of worship were raided or where our children go to school?…

I think it’s time that Donald Trump came in there with the sweeping mandate that the American public gave him to return a singular system of Constitutional justice.” 🇺🇸

Go get em, Kash!

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