D.O.G.E. > 04 July 2026

3 months ago

Put it all together frens.

DOGEcoin created Dec 6, 2013.

Trump states that General Kellog and many more asked him to run.

Elon is the highest paid civilian contractor of the DOD. "Twitter is a social media app, and a crime scene"

Elon and Trump have been dropping Q Easter eggs for years now.

Elon just posted a video CLEARLY pointing out Q. "PatriQts"

Department Of Govt Efficiency ends on July 4rth?! Independence Day?!

"It will be easier to do what has to be done bc everyone will agree with us." DJT the PAUSE.

Joe is shot, it's not him.

We have literally been watching a multi-layer psyop play out before our eyes.

"Sort of having my second term right now."

It's becoming clear that we are being shown now, what has already been happening beneath the surface, and even prior.

"We are taking the power from DC, and giving it back to you, the American people"

Our worlds are about to change frens.

To be blunt….

~Rambo and Frens

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