We're All Getting Fried- Targeted Individuals, Reducing Magnetic Fields

3 months ago

(Lots of helpful links below plus a free newsletter!) This is a bit more unfiltered than is typical for me as I'm utterly exhausted from the past week of being fried to bits- per my meters and my body.

This is what's up here. Magnetic fields are super fun! But, I've got strategies to help us all cope with it all, such as moving your bed, being mindful of where you work in the kitchen, etc. Of course, everything I do has to be on steroids since I trusted the "experts" and am now paying the price.....

Also- are EMF necklaces a scam?

My meters: https://non-toxic-home.org/f/do-i-need-an-emf-meter

Are targeted individuals mentally ill?: https://non-toxic-home.org/f/need-to-hear-it-from-a-phd

How we/ are not targeted + the truth about mental illness from a previous social worker: https://non-toxic-home.org/f/we-are-targeted-individuals-sort-of

Reducing magnetic fields in the kitchen: https://non-toxic-home.org/f/reducing-magnetic-fields-in-the-kitchen-reducing-emf-exposure

The battle for your mind: treating brain fog naturally: https://non-toxic-home.org/f/the-battle-for-your-mind-%7C-treating-brain-fog-naturally

Aluminum screen- this is what I buy (and I’ve bought a LOT!): https://amzn.to/4fIZlx2

My keyboard- better than what I was using, but if I didn’t have a latex allergy I would test out the older wired keyboards, as a calculated risk. Same with the mouse- I’d opt for a wired rollerball mouse.: https://amzn.to/3Z8G0Qw

Geovital article on magnetic fields and power lines: https://en.geovital.com/can-you-shield-against-magnetic-fields-from-power-lines/

How am I still alive?: https://non-toxic-home.org/f/how-am-i-still-alive

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Latex allergy/ Food allergy: https://mewe.com/group/5e1b16dcdb68d84bc8223629

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