Killjoy's Exploits: The French Baker [Action 52 NES Game 17] (Multi-Run)

3 months ago

KEP-5/4: This is a multiple full run of the seventeenth game on the infamous NES multicart of Action 52.

The player controls a...well, a French Baker - how obvious is that? Who has to restore order to his rather curiously arranged multistorey kitchen by massacring various ambulatory foodstuffs with the use of his arsenal of infinite throwing rolling pins.

I used a Game Genie hacking cheat code for infinite energy [doesn't protect against the Action 52 falling kill code, as I found out early on here].

Player: Mile "The Killjoy" Sipka

Gameplay Recorded on: 19th December 2022

Remember My Advice: Don't Be A Masochist, Winners Use Cheats [but only in single player games].

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