Monty Python's Flying Circus S3E05 (Celoanglická soutěž o nejstručnějšího Prousta, CZ sub.)

1 month ago

Summarize Proust Competition – written by Palin and Jones[1]
Hairdressers Climb Up Mount Everest
A Magnificent Festering
Fire Brigade
Our Eamonn
"Party Hints" with Veronica Smalls
Language Laboratory
Travel Agent – written by Cleese and Chapman[7][1]
Watney's Red Barrel – written by Idle[7][1]
Anne Elk's Theory on Brontosauruses – written by Cleese and Chapman[30]

Note: A running gag throughout this episode is that whenever anyone answers the phone, they take off their shoe as if the person on the other end had asked their shoe size.

Released: 16. 11. 1972

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