Studio Tour

4 months ago

In this video I show you my workshop and my VFX photography studio. Let me know what you think!
Here's the lathe I mention at the beginning of the video:
And here's a link to my vintage camera website:

chapter index:
00:00 introduction
00:27 Boley B8 lathe set-up (nick-named "Magnum") including prices
03:05 no-name bench precision W12 lathe (nick-named "Hansel")
04:00 details of W12 lathe including countershaft, Multifix M80 motor, and milling attachment
04:52 watch display cabinet containing approximately 80 vintage watches collected mainly to examine their movements
05:52 various thrift store microscopes and 2.3x Zeiss Jena binocular surgeon's loupes
06:45 Carbide 3D Nomad CNC machine
06:55 W12 lathe CNC Index Driver brake explained
08:03 vintage Elma watch parts cleaning machine
08:42 overview of the vintage watchmaking tools that I keep in a glass cabinet between my workbenches
08:46 vintage countershaft (currently unused)
09:03 topping tool / rounding up tool (for finishing and refinishing wheel teeth)
09:39 Baumgartner Freres Grenchen (BFG) factory movement assembly jig plates
09:46 Seitz jeweling tool press
09:50 Horia jeweling tool
09:53 Martin Fils and no-name vintage screw plates
10:04 Star staking tools
10:19 X Y Z linear and rotation stage for microscopy and micomilling
10:34 files and gravers
10:48 graver sharpeners
10:57 box of stakes and punches for Star staking tool
11:01 Zeiss Jena binocular loupe with prism to reduce interocular distance between eyes
11:27 calipers and micrometers
12:45 microclamp for holding hands and small parts
12:57 movement holders
13:01 faceplate chucks
13:11 jewels and brass bushings
13:40 Petermann escapement meter heater and meter
14:19 factory pallet fork jewel setting tool
14:25 micrometers
14:49 Jacot tool (pivot polishing tool)
14:54 balance poising tool
14:59 gravers
15:27 oversized synthetic sapphire pallet stones
15:50 hairsprings and hairspring tools
16:04 hammers, cleaning brushes, crystal removing tools
16:15 caseback opening tools
16:21 Watchcraft mainspring winders
16:29 countersinking tools
17:07 vintage 5mm press set up as a milling tool for dial foot replacement milling
17:39 conventional high magnification microscope for inspecting jewels
17:53 balance testing tools
18:01 kit boxes and lathe boxes - lots of additional accessories inside
18:22 consumables and lathe/CNC-related grinding and cutting tools
19:49 my main workbench / desk (nick-name "Blue Steel")
19:58 frequently used hand tools and supplies
22:12 filming set-up
22:23 camera timers I made for my VFX work (0.00001 second resolution)
23:48 various in-progress projects
24:04 various Linux-based Python-controllable camera controllers that I've made
24:23 vintage 35mm and medium format film cameras
24:36 VFX-related film camera artifacts
25:53 VFX photo studio
26:38 equipment storage and bench tool area
27:12 macro photography light box
27:23 conclusion and thank you

#restoration #watchmaking #vintage #tools #workshop #switzerland

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