Metal Gear Solid 3 - Ocelot Unit All CQC Clear, No Alerts - European Extreme [720p]

3 months ago

A quick video of how-to take down the Ocelot Unit without any weapons, kills, or alerts.
I paused at the ladder and the guard in the grass because sometimes Big Boss will cough and give away his position, which calls for some improvisation.

There was no real need for camos during any of this, except for when you're laying down near the guard in the grass I used my last smoke grenade on. He'll always see you if you don't have Treebark and Splitter on. So take care there. I just like to change camos :]

Any questions, just ask. ^ ^

Recorded with a Hauppague HD 1212 PVR.

This is of course the HD version of MGS3 included in the HD Collection.

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