what did Putin ask for in Kotel i 2012 Messiah comming

3 months ago

En israelsk tilskuer råbte på russisk: "Velkommen, præsident Putin." Putin henvendte sig til manden, som forklarede vigtigheden af ​​Tempelbjerget og det jødiske tempel. Putin svarede i en videooptaget samtale rapporteret i Chadrei Charedim, et ortodoks hebraisk nyhedssite: "Det er præcis grunden til, at jeg kom her – for at bede om, at templet må bygges igen."


An Israeli spectator shouted in Russian: "Welcome, President Putin." Putin approached the man, who explained the importance of the Temple Mount and the Jewish Temple. Putin responded in a videotaped conversation reported in Chadrei Charedim, an Orthodox Hebrew news site: "That's exactly why I came here – to ask for the temple to be rebuilt."

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