Judaism for the Gentiles - Freemasonry, Kabbalah, Saturn Worship in D.C. & Beyond

3 months ago

Freemasonry is established and explicitly labeled as a uniquely Jewish organization in every way. Often called Judaism for the Gentiles, it's a known secret society inside a secret society. Higher levels are taught Kabbalistic, Luciferian, Gnostic, Satanic schools of thought & rituals, it's tendrils reach deep into early America since its very founding. Enlightenment of Christianity and Freemasonry is totally different. What is with all the Saturn worship? The Star of Remphan (Saturn) is the real name of the Star of "David" symbol, Solomon's Seal. The Storm on Saturn is a perfect hexagon too, situated on the planet exactly the shape and location as a Jew wears his yarmulke, or the Saturn's cube headpiece directly.

The mysteries of Kabbalah, Freemasonry, Judaism, the Talmud, Zohar, and corrupt rituals from the Pharisees are Satanic. They who sacrifice children and extract hormones for their own pleasure will face God's wrath and vengeance soon, the time is nearing. Earlier this year Jews sacrificed a red heifer (cow) to complete a ritual thousands of years in the making that leads to the Apocalypse/Great Reset/NWO. They are all-in on their plan and must be stopped. Exposing corrupt Jewish supremacy and their wicked, alien beliefs is paramount to stopping them.

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