U.S. President’s Bloodline

2 months ago

“ This video exposes more details about all U.S. Presidents being related, descending from British and European so-called "royal" bloodlines, which also claim to descend from the ancient kings of Judah, starting biologically at King David. You may have heard this before, but why is this significant?
To thoroughly understand the big picture of why all U.S. Presidents are related by bloodlines to the pseudo-royal rulers of this world, first understand that satan is the ruler and god of this cosmos which he created imitating the true cosmos in the Light, and second, that satan and his demons are who choose what bloodlines to put souls (which they have authority over) into because they are who make these imperfect corruptible dirt-bodies we’re buried into.
Since satan rules this world, logically all governments are under his authority and in alliances with his demons. Thus, if satan chose all his rulers of his strongest country from the same bloodlines, that means no president has ever been a non-satanist elected from the people, making them all non-representative governments.
And if you’ve understood this much, what possibility could there be that Trump, satan’s antichrist incarnation, would not be also from the same bloodlines? None whatsoever. 🐍”

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