In order to fix something you must know the cause video

3 months ago

In order to fix something you must know the cause Video
That State issued Birth Certificate/Certificate of Birth is directly connected to all the challenges and issues such as Income taxes State and Federal, Marriage licenses, Raising your kids, Owning your home, Property taxes, Right to freely travel in your automobile, Owning your automobile Driver License Issues and the list goes on and on. Until you correct the matter by correcting your status nothing will change.

I invit you to participate in my free coaching weekly Saturday night calls at 845-385-9503 Access Code 4017367, you can go to Rumbel,com Look for Account # Edgeorge44, also web Site or to learn how to correct you birthright status as a Sovereign Man or Woman American National, and nationality having diplomatic immunity status contact me Edmond George Sr. at
Put in the subject line diplomatic immunity status Information

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