Ready For Love ~ Bad Company ( Live )

2 months ago

The Heart ♥️ Is A Spinning Vortex Of Love 💗

The Heart is Not a Pump 🫀

Blood cell’s in fact spin on their own individual axes of rotation. They are smaller spinning cells in a larger spinning vortex.

The heart itself has recently been discovered not to be a mass of muscle, but rather a ‘helicoidal myocardial band’ that has spiralled in upon itself, creating its unique shape and its separate chambers.

This is called the Helical Heart, and you can see doctors unravel it by searching ‘Helical Heart’ on Youtube.

Pair this with discoveries that the heart functions as an endocrine gland, has its own nervous system that makes and releases its own neurotransmitters, and omits an electromagnetic field that is far stronger than the brain’s, and we begin to move from the idea that the heart is simply a mechanical pump.

It is a spiralling organ of perception.

If that’s not beautiful, I don’t know what is.

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