Schumer withheld Dave McCormick's invite to Senate orientation, but he's going anyway

3 months ago

Results still not in but looking good for now. Dems couldn't get the Presidency or the majority in House or Senate, now they're going for Senator positions in the swing states. I don't know the angle, we'll probably find out soon. I don't think they can do it with Casey, or at least I didn't until I found out they have until Thanksgiving almost to get the recount done.
DS rigged it against Kari Lake which will open another big lawsuit the RNC won't pay for, but will solicit donations for and repurpose them. Kindof like politicians promising one thing then charging you and spending it on something else. But maybe it will be different this time, I have no idea. Kari losing to the vote riggers could be a better move for election integrity and exposing corrupt judges than if she won, although I'd rather she won.
They beat Lake and Sam Brown in NV. Robert Beadles has the lawsuits ready in NV. If the courts are crooked, this will show maximum people. Courts need to be fixed to litigate these obvious election crimes.

Bartiromo & local news clips from Raging Patiot News, edited down a little.

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