Wellness Wednesday with Scott Townsend - Breathing for Life

3 months ago

For Wellness Wednesday on the 13th of November, we welcomed Scott Townsend to talk to us about the power of the breath.

Scott is passionate about empowering you with the knowledge to harness the simple and powerful tool that is right under your nose - your breath.

Scott has been teaching the breath for over a decade and trained with world-leading breathwork experts such as Wim Hof, Dan Brule, and Patrick McKeown.

He’s one of NZ’s most qualified breathwork instructors, certified as a Wim Hof Method instructor, a Buteyko Breathing Technique instructor, an Oxygen Advantage instructor, and a HeartMath instructor.

The practical and straightforward methods he teaches are designed to fit any lifestyle, they are simple, refreshing, and grounded in real-world results.

You can connect with Scott at his websites - www.o2coach.nz
and www.thebreathingcourse.com or on Instagram @O2Coach

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