GRACE & MERCY : A Doorway Not An Advantage | Part 3

3 months ago

Here are the notes I followed:

Most people don’t know how the two work. It’s not hidden for people to become pitiful about themselves. It’s not a one size fits all

People use the excuse of Jesus to use the supposed grace and mercy it provides. When in reality Jesus can easily tell them, flee from me for I never knew you.

The love of God has parameters to which grace and mercy also have to abide by certain lines that cannot be crossed.

Over usage of grace and mercy as an excuse makes it a source that gets burnt out to the human mind. Reasoning can only ever get you so far. This is where pessimism also takes up space in your reality. But it’s something you allow because grace and mercy was never truly grasped for what it was because of conviction so it leads to disappointment. Then it’s a downward spiral to pessimism.

Like I said temptation of sin comes externally, When you give in you are letting it come inside you.

This is also a perspective problem, Perspective shapes your valuing scale internally. If you don’t value what god wants for you then do you even value God? This shapes your identity and defines who you are because of how you look at things and it determining how you act and react to certain things.

Perspective about grace and mercy can shape the way you go through life or grow through life especially with self-accountability.

People make jusitifications so Godly when all they are in reality, just excuses and excuses become their idol in life because it helps them get away with things. So grace and mercy are just an illusion that you can claim and cover your atrocities with when that’s not the purpose they serve. You make them an excuse.

This is why christians have lost a stronghold. They compromise the Truth that God is and what He stands for to be altered to a certain narrative like abortion or LGBTQ. It’s very sad to see how it becomes a weapon used in the name of God to distort the reality that the Truth should shape.

It can only happen when you truly accept the identity that Jesus has for you, not through a sinner mentality. Like I gave the illustration of one convict forgiving another and extending grace and mercy. That authority and strength then gives impact to grace and mercy.

Entering with grace and mercy is half a point so without the essence of truth to convict you, there’s no personal aspect to your faith or to a relationship with God. It’s what keeps you lukewarm or more so like a purgatory believer living in an endless cycle of trying to find redemption. The reason he states that it is by grace through faith and faith must be placed in truth to reinforce grace towards redemption. Not almost redemption but endless sin. Grace to then proceed to live like the son/daughter you are. This leads us to conviction the next video.

Jesus healed people as what seems to be grace & mercy but it is however Him displaying the Truth of Him and the Messiah and the love He has for the neglected. He is reveling the truth to them and through them by way of an undeniable experience. It solidifies the conviction of that truth which leads them to understand his gracious merciful and loving character.

Confrontation and conviction are a prerequisite to grace and mercy. It can not be aimless. This is why healing and deliverance that Jesus did was very specific like on the sabbath. It was bending the social, cultural and religious norm to prove a point. Don’t punish yourself with it.

Grace and faith can’t help you in idolatry. Like Hinduism. Faith is there but the lack of grace and truth is what makes the great divide. The hidden element is trust and that is like I talk about in self-accountability Faith comes from hearing the truth.

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