The Magical Meanie

3 months ago

~ Supplemental Material ~

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."

- Exodus 22:18

The transition of nations from what was once known as Christendom, to becoming "Post-Christian" societies; has led to a surge in interest in alternative spiritual practices. One prominent alternative that has gained popularity is Eastern mysticism.

Figures such as Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer and David Wilcock are well-known personalities, where their recognition is part of the mainstream. This shift in interests is significant; considering that just a few decades ago, such practices were not widely accepted or understood in Western societies.

Another alternative spiritual practice that has developed a growing fascination: paganism and witchcraft. Although not widely accepted in mainstream American society, there has been a shift in societal values towards accepting these beliefs, rather than ostracizing them. This is a significant improvement from the past, when individuals were persecuted and even put to death for practicing these beliefs, centuries ago.

This shift has also spread to the attitudes of those who adhere to more traditional philosophical values; as seen in the case of Jacob Chansley, also known as the "QAnon shaman;" who gained celebrity status after his inclusion on January 6, 2021, in the United States Capitol Incident.

It is important to note that this shift in spiritual interests is not entirely new; on the contrary, it marks a reversal of the historical landscape. All of Europe was once pagan, before the spread of Christianity. While some may consider Christianity a "white man's" religion, it began in the Middle East as a Jewish "cult" that grew in popularity and spread throughout Europe.

As Europeans are turning back to the religion of their ancestors, another aspect of history is coming full circle - the persecution of witches. Many assume that it was driven by religious fanatics but those who studied the early church period and the culture it was nurtured in; such notions are merely assumptions.

The Roman aristocrats (the political and business classes of the time), held a deep-seated hatred towards practitioners of witchcraft. Witches were often experts in plant knowledge and healing practices. This understanding of plants, also made them knowledgeable about poisons.

Those with connections to the aristocracy; who wanted to eliminate a wealthy family member or gain a position in Rome's power structure; did so by hiring a witch to prepare one of their deadly brews. The witches never participated in the use of their concoctions and those who acquired the deadly liquid, often put them in food or drink of the ones intended for elimination.

As the Roman Empire started to transition towards Christianity, the aristocracy saw an opportunity to eliminate what was a threat to their very lives. The religion provided a justification for the persecution of witches and with the Latin translation of the Bible - the Vulgate - using the word poisoner; wherever the word witch was used; added fuel to the fire of hatred towards witches and facilitated their marginalization in society.

The aristocracy also skillfully utilized propaganda, to create a negative image of witches among the general populace. They spread rumors of witches selling their souls to the devil, drinking children's blood and engaging in cannibalism. These false narratives fueled fear and hatred towards witches, making any form of punishment meted out towards them, seem justified in the eyes of the public.

The activities depicted in the video serve as a reminder of the precursors of the dark history, that gave rise to witch hunts and persecution. Unfortunately, just as witches instilled fear in those they targeted, the same thing will happen again in today's target group.

Celebrities like Lana Del Rey, who hex political leaders she disagree with; incite hatred, not only for themselves but for the spiritual practice that allows her to behave as she does. This type of behavior only reinforces old stereotypes.

It is important to recognize that human nature is often driven by emotions rather than intellect. People tend to use their intelligence to justify their desires and beliefs, even if those beliefs are based on falsehoods. By creating a hostile environment towards certain groups, individuals can bring out the worst in people, leading to acts of discrimination and violence.

History has shown us time and again, that fear and hatred towards a particular group can have devastating consequences. The targeting of whites, after the George Floyd incident; attacks on Asians, due to the pandemic and discrimination against individuals from the Middle East, following the 2001 attacks; are all examples of how prejudice and misinformation can lead to harmful actions.

"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."

- Martin Luther King Jr.

Despite the sensitive nature of the subject matter, the host of the video - Matt Morse - manages to put things into perspective. He shows that the people who encourage this behavior, have mental issues. In doing so, he allows the burden of responsibility to be placed on the people delivering the message, rather than blaming the spiritual practice.

It should be noted that Matt Morse is a husband and father. After watching a few of his videos, it is clear from the way he approaches issues; that he is a thoughtful man, who seeks to make the world a better place. As seen in this video, he is fair and balanced; it is worth taking the time to view his material and add him and his family in your prayers. You can see more at:

Another thing to note...there are several channels here on Rumble with the same name as him but he is not on this platform. Also, one of his usernames is StaySafeWarlock. While his religious beliefs are unclear, his use of the term "warlock" may be a result of his love for the video game World of Warcraft.

Addressing the security issues related to mentally damaged witches, there are added security threats besides them.

These individuals act in the same way as cult followers. They do not reason and do not respect the personal space, beliefs or privacy of others. These fanatics demand total agreement with their ideology, otherwise they will become irrational.

The behavior of these deranged individuals highlights the need for vigilance and caution, in the conditions that Americans live in today. Being aware of safety hazards, will help prevent potential problems and protect others from harm.

As for personal security, the link above covers the topic. The video is about immigration but in the "Supplement Material" section, the links provide a lot of information on the subject matter.

Having covered all of that, there's another aspect that needs to be addressed: the illegal nature of advocating violence against others. There are legal repercussions for inciting violence or harm.

Depending on the circumstances of how an individual happens to have landed themselves in the predicament; an aggressive prosecutor can figure out all sorts of ways a person will deal with the consequences of their actions. Here's the problem; you might have a politically slanted prosecutor or judge. In either case, that will be a catastrophe for those who look for justice.

One of the foundational legal rules in America is the principle of double jeopardy. This rule prevents a corrupt official from abusing their power, by repeatedly bringing an individual to trial, for the same incident. It ensures that there is only one opportunity for legal action to be taken against an individual, for a particular situation. In doing so, its protection from harassment by the legal system.

However, if a prosecutor or judge is biased; they may give the perpetrator an easy pass through the legal system. This can result in a lack of accountability for their actions and a failure to uphold justice. A high profile case, from several years ago, serves as a stark example of how bias in the legal system, can lead to injustice.

The justice system is supposed to be independent and impartial but if these laws are not enforced, the rules that govern the legal system are just words on paper. As the case above shows, this is a travesty of what is considered fair and there are many cases of this kind.

What has happened with this situation is a breakdown of the system; where, despite the illegality of using the judiciary, as a means of political persecution, of the opposing side; when laws are not enforced.

Given these challenges, it is essential to approach the legal system with caution and strategic planning. Waiting until 2025 for a change in administration, may be necessary to bring about effective change in the system. Additionally, waiting past Memorial Day, can help ensure that the mood of the nation has shifted towards a "new normal," providing a more favorable environment for legal proceedings.

In the meantime, it is crucial to document any instances of individuals encouraging violence, as this will serve as valuable evidence in legal proceedings. Store videos of these incidents in a secure manner, to ensure that the evidence is preserved.

One might need to facilitate cloud storage, due to the eventual requirement of having more memory. By being proactive in collecting and preserving this evidence; law enforcement and prosecutors can strengthen their case and hold any perpetrators accountable for their actions.

TikTok is the best platform to track down people who advocate violence. Despite the negative press surrounding the platform, it has proven to be a useful tool for uncovering evidence and holding individuals accountable. In fact, some politicians known for their pro-American stance and opposition to authoritarian regimes; have opposed the ban on TikTok. The details of which can be seen in the link below.

With TikTok being an "independent" platform, the platform's algorithm is designed to find similar content but unfortunately, to make it work, you need to both "like" and "bookmark" these videos, so that similar content can be found.

In contrast, American platforms like YouTube...this is a bit of a waste of time, due to their facilitation of controlling what viewers see. It's why getting TikTok and using it in the prescribed fashion, is necessary for anyone who is concerned with their fellow Americans and the general well being of the nation.

The next four links, let it serve as a warning but also a starting point for those who are willing to protect other Americans.

Using TikTok's search engine to look for: aqua tofana, is counterproductive. The results will provide all the available coverage on the topic: history, construction, sales, etc. There are also bath and beauty products that have this name as well.

Instead of conducting a needle-in-the-hey-stack type of search, there's a much more effective means. In the search bar, type in: aqua tofana bailey sarian. Two other useful methods are the facilitation of the two links below.

Two additional tools that are very useful:

Last link, this app will help you find anyone that has themselves anywhere online. This includes all social media networks and websites. When looking for someone, it is recommended to use Yandex search first. It always gives the best results.

In case it needs to be said, don't report these people to TikTok (which would also be true if you see similar content on any other platforms). Again, save everything and after Memorial Day 2025, contact law enforcement so that evidence is not deleted. Also, by leading these individuals to believe that they are capable of pursuing such activity; they'll have the boldness to add additional related material.

Now, it's also important to understand that inciting others to commit crimes; that isn't a situation where one needs to rush and get in touch with law enforcement. On the other hand, if a person is putting up material, where that individual is an imminent threat, meaning that person looks to engage in violence; those are situations where you need to contact the proper authorities.

If you're not sure if a video crosses the line into illegal activity; or have a hard time differentiating someone trying to incite others into violence, opposed to attacking others themselves; or you don't feel comfortable waiting; don't worry. Inform those who know the law and let them take care of everything.

Nothing stops those who seek to harm others but if there is a small chance to prevent unnecessary deaths and spare family and friends from losing a loved one, we must take it. For any illegal activity that's conducted online, please contact the agency below.

Leaving a tip can be done so anonymously. When filling out the form, do not include any personal information.

Moving from an earthly approach to a spiritual one; to solve this problem. Prayer is the most effective thing anyone can do. To be clear, not everyone is crazy enough to post illegal activities online.

Even though people operate in the shadows, God sees everything. Two things go a long way to make our country safer. Pray that God will orchestrate circumstances so that all those who involve themselves with any type of felonies; are all caught and arrested.

Anyone who seeks to engage in any type of felonies, would emulate what Ellen DeGeneres had done: move out to some part of Western Europe. This may seem cruel but what Americans consider the radical ideology of the left, Western Europe has embraced.

These psychologically damaged individuals will fit perfectly into this environment. Some detention centers are designed to look more like luxury hotels, opposed to a criminal penitentiary.

The rest of the world holds to much more traditional values. There is no concern about helping criminals reform by removing stress from their lives, putting them in therapy and have their stay be in a luxurious room.

To understand the advice given regarding prayer, it is essential to know the mechanisms of criminal law. Felonies are serious crimes that carry significant penalties, such as imprisonment for more than a year. You do not want people you care about to become victims of these types of crimes.

This is in stark contrast to the violations of the law known as misdemeanors. These crimes are not crimes that can simply be ignored but they are not as hardcore. As a result, misdemeanors generally carry shorter prison sentences or lighter fines.

Although we will never live in a perfect world, it is better to deal with people who engage in misdemeanors, which is a far better cry than dealing with those that commit felonies. Which is why it's a reasonable request to ask God to fulfill.

Asking God to eliminate all criminals from your country is like asking God to give you the ability to fly. On the other hand, asking God to eliminate those who commit felonies, is like asking God to help you in your struggles. The first request is unreasonable but the second is much more acceptable.

"Hard is the journey of a Christian be but we seek solace and calm at the place we rest. In a world where evil creeps, it's not wrong to seek deliverance from the wicked peeps.

To call upon God to keep them at bay. That He would move them where they belong, to far-off lands where they can't cause harm.

May the wicked be cast into their own domain, a realm where they mingle with others of their kind. This way our children play in safety's embrace, protected from whispers of the Devil's dark mind.

Let Your light shine bright amidst the night, illuminating hearts that chase what is right. As our fervent prayers ascend to the skies, to bring hope and harmony where discord lies.

Together we lift our hopes with grace, for a world where only love will take place. Woven in unity, hand in hand we stand, creating a tapestry, a refuge so grand.

For love, our anchor, is an unyielding force, in relentless pursuit we seek for what is just and true. In patience, we wait for the change to unfold, until the day You shine Your glory and all is manifest."

- John Kim

In relation to the subject of prayer, for those who find value in this channel and wish to contribute positively; the most significant manner of doing so is through prayer. The lifting up of prayers for this channel; represents undoubtedly the most profound gift one can offer.

Given the various bureaucrats and their operatives, that support the Woke movement; I will not reveal my identity. However, you can always pray for "the individual running the channel, Blue Enigma zero-one." God will know your intentions.

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration!

Post Scriptum: In the section labeled "Supplemental Material:" located just below the video post date, view count and provided tags; there is valuable content worth exploring, especially on this channel. This section often contains a wealth of additional information and resources.

You may find it beneficial to peruse this section to gain further insights. The reason for the detailed explanation is to address the varied terminology used by different individuals, which can sometimes make it challenging to locate the desired content.

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