The Lost Sheep in The Bible Episode 04

3 months ago

The Lost Sheep in The Bible Episode 04
The Bible - 01 - The Beginning - Noah Abraham thru Jacob Israel begins

The Bible - 02 - The Exodus - Pharaoh Moses Red Sea and Ten Commandments

The Bible - 03 - The Homeland - Joshua Samson Judges David - Goliath

The Bible - 04 - The Kingdom - David Saul Solomon

The Bible - 05 - The Survival - Zedekiah Nebuchadnezzar Daniel Jews return to Jerusalem

The Bible - 06 - The Revolution - Roman birth of Christ John the Baptist Jesus and Peter

The Bible - 07 - The Mission - Pharisees Jesus miracles Disciples

The Bible - 08 - The Betrayal - Last supper Judas Peters Denial

The Bible - 09 - The Passion - Nicodemus Caiaphas Pilate Crucifixion Resurrection

The Bible - 10 - The Courage - Jesus Returns Holy Spirit comes Disciples die John survives death exiled to Patmos - Revelation

Jesus replied, “It is written and forever remains written, 'MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD.'”

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