Device Covers License Plate While Going Through Toll

6 years ago

"While driving on Highway 836 East bound in Miami, my husband and I spotted the driver of the Pacifica covering the License Plate with an automatic black cover while driving through the Tolls. I was able to capture the entire violation on my phone. The Florida Highway Patrol is investigating this driver and I was told by the Florida State Troopers, that this is not the first time this driver has committed this crime." - says one witness.

The new high-tech times have brought modernization of highway tolls, too in terms of cameras that automatically scan license plates that are used to collect highway tolls. However, some drivers outsmart the already smart technology and they use a sophisticated technology to dodge their toll tab. A couple was driving on a highway in Miami when they witness a darn situation filmed in this video - the driver in the car who was in front of them had his license plate covered while it went under a row of toll cameras on a Miami runway. The couple was able to record the whole event as the black cover came down over the plate of the car ahead. After getting clear of the toll by plate cameras, the driver activated a device, lifting the black cover off the license plate. Without a plate, toll cameras cannot identify vehicles or charge them using pay-by-plate.
It is beyond doubt that is not fair for the other passengers who have to pay tolls. Highways are for everybody who travel and each passenger has to be conscientious to pay their dues. So, it is just right that this couple have made the video viral in order to raise awareness of drivers like this one who dodge their duties in the face of the law. As you watch the video, it is practically unbelievable what is revealed in front of your eyes, now you see the plate, now it’s gone. It’s like some wizard messing with your eyesight. People like the driver in the video are getting very creative, indeed.

The device can be found on the Internet, on Ebay, Amazon and other various websites for gadgets. Typically, the covers are rolled up in a special license plate frame, and are lowered and raised when the driver pushes a button. They are sold for $100 or more, or for as little as $15. But bear in mind that if the police stops this driver, he won’t get away that easily as it will be more expensive once he gets arrested. The minimum fine for obscuring the license plate, let alone toll fraud is $179.

There are many cases in the USA like this one, where drivers are obliged to pay thousand of dollars because of unpaid tolls. So, instead of trying to save a few bucks at the toll, be smart and carry out your duty. Not only the device is illegal, but if you get caught, you will wish you had spent the spare change on talls instead of a hefty ticket.

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