Ryan Bledsoe - The Metaphysical Paranormal Renaissance, Bledsoe Said So

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Cohosts Ryan Bledsoe and Nick Fermanides explore supernatural phenomenon, spirituality, UFOs, consciousness, symbolism in pop culture, and all things weird beyond the veil. In 2007, the Bledsoe Family came face to face with interdimensional entities in one of the most publicly documented UFO cases of all time, plunging them in to a life of government contact and psychic experiences. Bledsoe Said So takes a positive and light-hearted approach to revealing some of the world’s deepest and most profound mysteries.


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Episode ART - Napolean Duheme's site http://www.lostbreadcomic.com/
MUSIC https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/ - Something Wobbly
Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com - Should I

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