Taiji - Japan: 10 Bottlenose Dolphins killed, 4 dolphins driven back to the sea

3 months ago

Nov. 14, 2024: After leaving the pod of 14 Bottlenose dolphins driven in their monstrous nets on Wednesday morning, trapped there all day and all night feeling completely exhausted, terrorized, stressed, hungry, and totally desoriented,... they decided to not keep any of those dolphins as captive to SELL to aquariums and so the divers ROUGHLY FOUGHT with the dolphins in the water even 5 of them at times with one dolphin, to bring them to the BARBARIC DOLPHIN KILLERS under the tarps ~~ Those MONSTERS then proceeded with MURDERING/SLAUGHTERING 10 of those dolphins for NO REASON other than THEIR THIRST FOR BLOOD and then released the other 4 individuals back at sea ~~ How will those 4 poor innocent Souls make it to survive after living through all that stress, fear, pain, suffering,... and after witnessing the MASSACRE of their 10 family members


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