2 months ago

WARNING!: Wernher Von Braun (NASA) warned us that the final deception would be an UFO / alien ploy. Ben Rich (Lockheed "SkunkWorks"/black-ops) said we have the means to travel to the stars, decades ago. Nikola Tesla's invention(s) plans are heavily rumored to have been absconded by the goobers and/or DJT's father, Frederick Christ Trump Sr.. Yes, "CHRIST"! Books dealing with the future and time travel were written between 1890-1900, by Ingersoll Lockwood, such as Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey, also The Last President. Then we have the most mysterious disappearance of Malaysian flight MH370, of which alleged REAL video was captured LIVE, as it appeared to be intercepted by flying objects and then vanish into the aether.
(search: "Get2It! MH370")
Many sane and respected persons have had personal sightings and recounted what they witnessed arcoss the world, around the globe. (Sorry, flatlanders!)
I have had several sightings, including a triangle right above me. So has my love, separately. I'm not easily impressed and shrugged it off. She, more or less, did the same. I've seen much more unexplainable things, including a giant amber-orangish orb and lights dancing above and shining on the clouds. Details aside, and they are very interesting, we now have holograms (in use longer than most know) that are convincing, used in spectacular visual shows. Other claims are that they some airships are used in and for kidnapping and human trafficking, as well as other nefarioius purposes. Frankly, I'd only be concerned if seeing a drone of any kind and size that might have ballistic (gun) capabilities, an explosive device or D.E.W.. ( Never forget Paradise, CA nor Maui, HI, just to name a couple! ) We could go on and on, regarding all kinds of high technology!
Instead, one only needs to return to the turn of the 20th century, when great and beautiful cities existed, before being burned to the ground, and the marvels of architecture and invention shown at the World Fairs. Once upon a time, no fairytale, people marveled at other ancient cities and structures of long ago.
MUCH has been stolen, destroyed and hidden, including that knowledge and much, much, much more! Knowledge is power and t.h.e.y. know this!
Occult, Occlude, Hidden... some in plain sight, such as C.E.R.N. and H.A.A.R.P.,
all excused by offering more benevolent explanations of purpose.
Now, let's address the elephant in the room - "aliens". The foreigners from far beyond. Some poo-poo them, many do not. "Seeing is believing!" and "Truth is stranger than fiction"! Let's deal with the ones that can be seen with the naked, human eyes. Some truly believe and will vehemently claim, with great insistence that not all are bad, evil "demons", others being of the light. Many even refuse to acknowledge or use the words "angels" and "demons". ( angels of light or angels of darkness OR divine angels and demonic angels ) or they deny their existence, dismiss as fairytales and false mythos, conjured up, as if "God" also has been hatched out from fear. Whatever YOU believe, be warned that things unseen do exist and not everything that you see is what it appears to be!
--- ALIENS, what are they or could they be?
1. Spiritual creatures of the aether, sometimes manifest some ghostly form.
2. The same, seemingly able to manifest physical forms. BIBLICAL!
3. The same, given provided bodies manufactured, grown and cloned, in order to possess a physical body / form. This could included laboratory produced hybrids and/or chimera (half human-half animal), or "cryptids".
The vast majority of you are NOT nearly as studied, regarding such matters, as I am. Not that I consider myself an expert, just a "believer" and logical, deep thinker and empath by nature. Enough about me! I don't enjoy speaking about myself, only my adventures and experiences, then really only when shared with others who are receptive, as they have something to mutually share.
I'd very much rather discuss the "Good Book" / "Holy Bible", or Sacred Scriptures, as my most favorite subject and reliable source, for finding answers to many mysteries. (Learn to read between the lines.)
Through this Word, we are warned that demons can disguise themselves as being of light. I believe this to hold a dual meaning, both enlightening (wise) and /or literally appearing as righteous beings, embodied in forms of light. The Word also teaches that we can be visited by angels, without realizing it, as they can come in a human appearing, physical form. Leaving it all at that, YOU decide.
Scripture: 2 Thes.2 - deception
Matt.24 - false saviors
Such a deception would be a combined "false flag" and "black swan" event.
Fake, yet real. A magician's trick, compared to the staff of Moses, or the power of almighty Yah ( "God" ).
24:24 24 For false christs (messiahs, or saviors) and false prophets (fortune tellers & predictors) will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect (chosen faithful).
Only the "elect" will NOT be deceived!
Prepare! Do NOT count on what t.h.e.y. tell you, reveal, expose or disclose!
✝️🕊️ The only truth we find in this is that ENERGY is FREE and can be HARNESSED and HARVESTED. Exactly HOW, we do NOT know.
The Hierarchy Enslaving You might know quite a bit, though!
However, if they were truly wise, they would not be acting as they are and do.
NUMBERS 6:24-26
p.s. keep well in mind; Acts 4:12

God and Son are one, as spirit + body = soul (duality)
When the mortal soul dies, the body returns to earth and spirit to the Creator.
We sleep / rest, awaiting one of two resurrections, with rare exceptions.
The Holy Feasts / Sacred Convocations were/are prophetic foreshadows of good things to come.
The first resurrection occurs along with the "two witnesses", followed by the rapture, at the final Shofar's trumpeting, THEN follows the WRATH!
You have been and are already forgiven, ONLY IF you simply accept it.
You will not be saved, until AFTER you die, IF faithful.
You are a temple of spirit and your most important journey is spiritual.
The fiery lake of "hell" means the second and final, everlasting soul-death!
May YOU find and have everlasting peace and joy. Shalom - inner peace.

Hold your chins high, raise your eyes upward.
Your Messiah COMES! amen

Always hold onto hope. Yet, when all hope is lost and gone,
cling to Faith! amen

Ωmega Knigh†s

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