Good morning little chicken song 🐣 | Animal Sounds for Kids | HeyKids Nursery Rhymes

3 months ago

0:00 Good Morning Little Chickens - animals sounds for kids
2:18 Spock-a Doodle, Chicken Noodle
5:07 Incy Wincy Spider
6:42 Down By The Bay
8:41 Animal Sounds Song
11:30 Peek a boo
14:16 Apples and Bananas
16:52 The Funny Grandma song
19:58 Head Shoulders Knees and Toes dance for kids
21:27 Six Little Ducks
22:47 Share
25:25 Mary Had A Little Lamb
27:11 Construction Vehicles cartoon - The Excavator song
30:00 My Binky (Pacifier Song)
31:56 Five Little Monkeys
34:00 Lola The Cow cartoon - cow song for kids
39:25 The Ants Go Marching One By One
41:36 The Turtle Family
43:23 Yankee Doodle
45:18 Hop, My Pony Hop! (the horse song for kids)
46:52 Dear Little Donkey
48:09 Ten In The Bed nursery rhyme
50:40 The Little Rooster - animal sounds for children
52:29 I’m A Car Song - Car cartoons for children
56:17 The Little Bunny - the rabbit song for kids
58:08 Row Row Row Your Boat

🐣 Good Morning Little Chickens - Lyrics :

Good morning little Chick-a-dee we have some work to do
So won’t you help me, Chick-a-dee? we’ll play when we are through
“Peep, Peep, Peep, Peep” will you sing your morning song?
“Peep, Peep, Peep, Peep” will you sing your morning song?

Good morning little Mother Hen we have some work to do
So, won’t you help me Mother Hen? we’ll play when we are through
“Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck” can you lay another egg?
“Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck” can you lay another egg?

Good morning little Rooster-roo we have some work to do
So, won’t you help me Rooster-roo? we’ll play when we are through
Cock-a-doodle, Cock-a-doodle, Cock-a-doodle-doodle-doo!
Cock-a-doodle, Cock-a-doodle, Cock-a-doodle-doodle-doo!

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