Episode 2692: The Fire of Love, Unity in Christ - Morning Episode

3 months ago

Time is getting close to “Word Made Flesh” I’ll put the registration link in the show notes.
If you can’t make it in person you can join via zoom. Please attend. I promise it will help you focus during the Advent season and make Christ the reason for the Season.
Speak Lord
Rosary/ Bead Meditation
The Fire of Love, Unity in Christ, and the Power of Prayer
Today, we’ll reflect on the call to return to God’s love, the sanctity of marriage as an image of Christ’s union with the Church, and the confidence we can have in prayer. With quotes from St. Augustine, Cardinal Robert Sarah, and the wisdom of Scripture, we’ll dive into the transformative power of God’s love and the Eucharist in our lives.
1. The Fire of Love:
St. Augustine, in his beautiful prayer, gives us a powerful image of God’s constant presence and our need to return to Him:
“You never go away from us, yet we have difficulty in returning to You. Come, Lord, stir us up and call us back. Kindle and seize us. Be our fire and our sweetness. Let us love. Let us run.”
These words resonate deeply with every one of us. God is always near to us, yet we, so often distracted by the cares and concerns of this world, struggle to return to Him. St. Augustine’s prayer expresses a deep yearning for God’s love to awaken and consume us a love that ignites a fire in our hearts and stirs us to action.
In our spiritual lives, we may find ourselves in moments of spiritual dryness or distance from God. Yet, in these moments, we must remember that He is never far from us. His invitation to return is constant, and His love is ever-present, waiting for us to turn back to Him. St. Augustine’s prayer calls us to respond with passion to allow God to be our fire, our sweetness, and our strength. His love is the fuel that empowers us to run the race of faith with vigor and joy.
2. The Unity of Marriage and the Eucharist:
In reflecting on the power of love, we also look to one of the most sacred vocations in the Church: marriage. Cardinal Robert Sarah speaks profoundly on the sanctity of marriage when celebrated at the heart of the Eucharist:
“…When the sacrament of matrimony is celebrated at the center of the Eucharistic celebration, during which the spouses receive in Holy Communion the Body and Blood of Christ: the unity of the spouses, who 'become one flesh' in the flesh of the Lord, is the image in this world of the unity of Christ the Bridegroom and the Church his Bride, during the celebration of the sacrament of unity par excellence: the Holy Eucharist. In this sense, we can state that the prayer of Christian spouses, whether they are at home or traveling, is always a Eucharistic prayer…”
This powerful teaching connects the sacrament of marriage directly with the Eucharist. When a man and woman come together in the sacrament of matrimony, they are not simply creating a human union; they are mirroring the divine union of Christ and His Church. In the Eucharist, the spouses receive the Body and Blood of Christ, becoming one with Him. This union becomes the foundation for their own unity as a couple, and their prayers whether offered in the home, on a trip, or in any situation are united to Christ’s own prayer through the Eucharist.
For married couples, the Eucharist becomes the source and summit of their vocation, drawing them into a deeper union with Christ and with each other. It is through this sacramental grace that they are empowered to live out their vows and to love with the love of Christ, which is self-sacrificial, patient, and eternal.
This relationship between the Eucharist and marriage also teaches us about the essential nature of unity in the Church. Just as Christ and His Church are united, so too are Christian spouses united in Him. Their love, nourished by the Eucharist, becomes a living witness to the world of the love Christ has for His Bride, the Church.
3. Confidence in Prayer:
Finally, we turn to the power of prayer. St. John the Apostle offers us words of great confidence in our relationship with God:
"And we have this confidence in him, that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in regard to whatever we ask, we know that what we have asked him for is ours." — 1 John 5:14-15
This passage is a beautiful reminder that when we pray according to God’s will, He listens and answers. As we pray for ourselves, for our families, and for the world, we can have confidence that God hears us. This confidence is not born from our own merits or power, but from the unfathomable goodness of God. When we ask for what aligns with His divine will, we know that He will provide sometimes in ways we expect, and sometimes in ways we do not, but always for our good.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling that our prayers are unheard or unanswered, especially in times of difficulty. Yet, Scripture assures us that God is attentive to our needs. His response may not always come in the form we expect, but it will always come in the fullness of His love and wisdom. We are called to trust that His will is always perfect, and that our prayers are part of His divine plan for us.
Conclusion and Prayer:
As we reflect on St. Augustine’s passionate prayer for God to ignite the fire of love in our hearts, Cardinal Sarah’s teaching on the union of marriage and the Eucharist, and the confidence we can have in prayer as revealed in Scripture, let us be filled with gratitude and hope. God is always with us, drawing us closer to Himself. His love is ever-present, His mercy unending, and His response to our prayers always for our good.
Let us pray:
O Lord,
We thank You for Your constant love, which calls us back to You even when we stray. Kindle in our hearts the fire of Your love, and help us to run towards You with all our strength. We offer our lives as a living prayer, desiring to be united to You in the Eucharist and to live our vocations with the love of Christ.
Grant us the confidence to pray with trust, knowing that You hear us and will answer us according to Your perfect will. May our lives reflect the unity and love of Christ and His Church, and may we be instruments of peace and grace to those around us.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Thank you for joining us today on Tradition and Truth. May you be strengthened in your faith and encouraged in your prayers. Until next time, may the peace of Christ be with you always.

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